Inspiring your health and wellness by getting to the root cause of disease.

Welcome to You Truly Shine!

a place where you can find your balance

Health is not about being perfect and clean all the time. It’s about having a resilient and balanced body so that you can live life without having to constantly stress and control your environment. I’ve been in the mess of it all… from gut issues, acne, hormonal imbalances, disordered eating, autoimmune disease, toxicity, food reactions, chronic stress, trouble finding balance, and a never ending battle of learning to love myself. Can you relate? My type 1 diabetes diagnosis at the tender age of 16 sent me into a spiral of restrictive diets, vigorous supplementation and obsessive thoughts. Letting go of the more strict health goals sent me into another level of imbalance or should I say “rebellion”. And it took a while until I truly found my own healthy balance. It’s hard to sift through all the BS when it comes to health these days, because regardless of what you put into the search engine, you’re going to find a study saying that it’s good for you and a study saying it’s bad for you. Because of that, my strategy is to use common sense or as I call it “functional medicine”. Knowing just how hard it is to find out what will really work for you I know that I can shorten your journey by helping you understand your own unique root causes. Together, we will take a journey in self-discovery.


Heal Your Gut

Your Holistic Guide To Gut Health

Bloating, constipation, food sensitivities… these issues may be common, but they aren’t normal!

In this book / eBook, you’ll learn how to restore your gut health to reverse and prevent these issues (and many others tied to gut health). 

coming soon!!

Newsletter, updates & more!

You’ll get exclusive offers and be the first to know what’s happening at You Truly Shine.

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Interested in working 1:1?

Comprehensive Functional Medicine Evaluation

The eBooks / book contain a lot of powerful information. But sometimes you just want to have that 1:1 to get a personalised plan, or simply to ask questions and make sure you’re taking the right steps.

If you are interested in a comprehensive functional medicine evaluation, please fill out my form below.

We see individuals who suffer from acne, gut issues to cancer, other chronic degenerative disease and everything in-between. 

Heal Your Skin

A Holistic Guide To Healthy Skin & Clearing Acne

Tired of hiding behind breakouts? Has acne stolen your confidence and zest for life?

This eBook gives you the knowledge, power, and tools to address the root causes of your unique acne and achieve healthy and vibrant skin from within.


Introducing: [Retreat name]

A 4-Week Online Retreat to Transform Your Health

My eBooks contain a lot of powerful information. But sometimes you just want to get that person on speed dial to ask questions and make sure you’re taking the right steps.

That’s why I developed the [Retreat name] – it’s the closest thing to 1:1 support that I offer!

With this program, you’ll get a library of videos where I talk through some really interesting and transformative topics. You’ll get practical handouts and tools to apply what you learn and make progress even faster. You can also ask me questions, get the answers you’ve been looking for, and even get exclusive personal recommendations.

If you’ve ever been confused or struggled with following through with healing habits, this program is for you. I am here to hold your hand for the entire 4 weeks!

Newsletter, updates & more!

You’ll get exclusive offers and be the first to know what’s happening at You Truly Shine.

We respect your privacy.

If you’re a novice gardener like me, you’ll know just how much of a balancing act it can be to keep your plants happy!

Here are a few helpful tips to help your body’s “gut” garden thrive:

Nourish your soil.
Fertile soil grows healthy, resilient plants. Similarly, we need the right nutrients to support good bacteria, a healthy gut lining, and overall digestive health. Make sure you get a variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants through a wholesome diet to fertilise your gut “soil.” Eating 30+ plant based foods per week is helpful to boost microbiome diversity! 

Eliminate the pests.
Pests like harmful bacteria, viruses, toxins, parasites, overgrowths, stress, and inflammation can steal resources from good microbes and leave them weak. Opt for natural and organic options to minimise exposure to toxins, support your body’s natural detox pathways, and manage stress and inflammation through mindful practices and anti-inflammatory foods. 

Restore balance with pre- and probiotics.
We need to plant enough strong healthy crops to stand up to invading weeds. Incorporating prebiotics and strain-specific probiotics (when needed) is a straightforward method to restore balance in your microbiome.

Don’t forget to tend to YOU!
Your gut is a garden, but so is your skin, your mind, and your entire being! Tend to yourself through daily exercise, quality sleep, hydration, stress relief and self-care practices. These simple steps go a long way in nurturing the thriving ecosystem of you.

#guthealth #microbiome #veggiegarden #health #plantdiversity #nourishyourbody

Consult Application

Thank you for trusting us to support you with your health. We see individuals who suffer from acne, gut issues to cancer, other chronic degenerative disease and everything in-between.

After completing the form, we will get back to you with details re booking / pricing / availability.